These articles, PowerPoint presentations and media clips by Peter Sommer may be of interest to visitors to this site. Please note that they may not have been updated since original publication and that as a result some of the information, in particular in relation to matters of law, could be out-of-date. In some instances the articles may be in their “pre-publication” state. For the final versions please use the supplied references and download from the sites of the relevant journals. Please notify us if any of the links on third-party sites have gone “dead”. IAAC Digital Evidence, Digital Investigation and E-Disclosure: A Guide to Forensic Readiness, Fourth Edition, November 2013
Evidence in Internet Paedophilia CasesComputer and Telecommunications Law Review, Vol 8 Issue 7; [2002] CTLR, pp 176-184 (Similar article appeared in: Evidence in Internet Paedophilia Cases; a case for the Defence in “Policing Paedophiles on the Internet” ed McVean & Spindler, New Police Bookshop for the John Grieve Centre, 2003. )
Computer Forensics Education , Yasinac, Erbacher, Marks, Pollitt, Sommer, IEEE Security & Privacy Vol 1 No 4 p 15 , July 2003;